Disponível Airbus Extended 1.03
Classificação: 0 de 5 - voto(s)
Por piuozorio às 12:35 10/01/2013

A nova versão está disponível no site da Aerosoft no seu histórico de compras.
Os utilizadores que usem versões anteriores à 1.03 devem desinstalar e instalar a nova.
Alterações :
- Right MCDU/ Checklist changes
- Flight Control Checks: Tolerances for elevators, ailerons and rudder increased)
- Brake Checks Zero Pressure: Tolerance from 5 to 10% increased
- User States: Checklist functionality now also available with user states because checklist status saved with Saved
- Turn around: Misc . checklist fixes for new turn
- Cop TCAS Setting: Little bit faster in cockpit preparation CL
- Before TO CL: Fixed hanging CL Info
- Lights Off Problem during Climb: Fixed
- Please Release Parking Brake Ground Crew call with delayed Parking Brake Release: Fixed
- Init Descent Procedure: Fixed
- Landing Memo Check: Now all LDG Memo Items are checked
- Hotkey for Toggle Copilot On/Off: Now changed from key '3' to '2'
- On/Off Switch for Checklist & Copilot Hotkeys: Added to CL Options
. ECAM fixes and enhancements
- ICING DETECTED less frequent
- Electrical Load (Amps etc) 0 at all times fixed
. Autopilot fixes and enhancements
- Revised behavior, Smoother Pitch
- Rewritten ALT Capture Smoother now.
- FD SRS improved.
- Reduced ATHR aggressiveness by a small bit.
- Fixed Asymmetry N1 in TOGA/MCT
- LOC Issues (360 Turns) in rare cases
- Stability improvement, Fix some CTD issues
- Solved Navdata reading issue causing multiple arrival trans missing and erronous lines.
- FBW Rotation rates at VR revised.
. Misc
- Left MCDU resolution increased with a minor FPS impact (1~2 FPS)
- Folder location for ini and logs is changed to solve Localization issues
- Added a small guide to help throttle setup.