Flight Simulator Portugal voo FSPCHARTER
Piloto: | FSP104 - AZORES |
Companhia: | Flight Simulator Portugal (FSP) |
Voo: |
Aeronave: | A320-200 |
Origem: | Sochi - AER/URSS ![]() |
Destino: | Irkutsk - IKT/UIII ![]() |
Rota: | |
Altitude: | 35000ft |
Duração: | 6.23 |
Distância: | 2345nm |
Data/Hora: | 17/06/2013 21:02 |
Servidor: | Offline |
Classificação: | Eficiência: 75% | Pontos: 26 |
Status: | APROVADO |
Log do voo
[13:38] - Airbus A320 NEO TAP Portugal CS-TMW
[13:38] - A320S
[13:38] - Flight FSPCHARTER is ready to depart URSS with a final destination of UIII.
[13:38] - Precipitation at URSS: None
[13:38] - Pilot in Command FSP104 | FSX
[13:38] - Boarding
[13:38] - Gross Weight: 71582kg, Fuel: 15211kg, Payload: 15127kg
[13:38] - Parking Brake Applied
[13:41] - Taxiing to Runway
[13:42] - Spoilers ON 92ft, hdg 334 and 0kts
[13:42] - Flaps to position 2 at 92ft, hdg 334 and 0kts
[14:14] - Event Parking Brakes 1kts
[14:14] - Parking Brake Released
[14:15] - Taxi Lights ON 92ft, hdg 100 and 15kts
[14:17] - Landing Lights ON 92ft, hdg 53 and 22kts
[14:20] - Taking Off with 120 passengers on board
[14:20] - Takeoff roll started at 35kts and 14114kg of fuel on board
[14:20] - Take Off Weight: 70481kg, Fuel: 14114kg, Payload: 15127kg
[14:20] - Initial Climb at 99ft, hdg 208, 156kts, flaps 2, 14014kg of fuel, pitch -13deg, bank 0deg.
[14:20] - Wind Heading 211 | Wind Speed 1kts | Wind Turbulence Light
[14:20] - Climbing to TOC at 99ft, hdg 208, 156kts
[14:20] - Gear up at 153ft, hdg 206 and 167kts
[14:20] - Taxi Lights OFF 170ft, hdg 205 and 168kts
[14:20] - Spoilers OFF 216ft, hdg 206 and 170kts
[14:21] - Climbing at 320ft, hdg 205 and 170kts
[14:22] - Flaps to position 0 at 2420ft, hdg 339 and 205kts
[14:24] - Landing Lights OFF 10252ft, hdg 195 and 252kts
[14:43] - TOC reached at 34503ft, hdg 61 and 270kts
[14:43] - Cruise started at 34503ft, hdg 61 and 270kts
[14:43] - Wind Heading 230 | Wind Speed 61kts | Wind Turbulence None
[19:36] - TOD reached at 34433ft, hdg 109 and 261kts
[19:36] - Descending to destination at 34433ft, hdg 109 and 261kts
[19:41] - Spoilers ON 23872ft, hdg 111 and 301kts
[19:41] - Spoilers OFF 23845ft, hdg 115 and 300kts
[19:42] - Spoilers ON 21355ft, hdg 157 and 264kts
[19:42] - Spoilers OFF 21193ft, hdg 155 and 263kts
[19:48] - Landing Lights ON 9826ft, hdg 104 and 253kts
[19:50] - Approach at 5249ft, hdg 329, 251kts, flaps 0 and 1822kg of fuel on board
[19:50] - Wind Heading 259 | Wind Speed 19kts | Wind Turbulence None
[19:51] - Spoilers ON 4504ft, hdg 282 and 250kts
[19:52] - Spoilers OFF 4468ft, hdg 280 and 197kts
[19:52] - Flaps to position 1 at 4462ft, hdg 284 and 196kts
[19:55] - Spoilers ON 4501ft, hdg 123 and 179kts
[19:55] - Spoilers OFF 4500ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:55] - Gear down at 4497ft, hdg 122 and 180kts
[19:55] - Spoilers ON 4502ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:55] - Taxi Lights ON 4502ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:56] - Taxi Lights OFF 4502ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:56] - Gear up at 4502ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:56] - Spoilers OFF 4499ft, hdg 122 and 179kts
[19:56] - Flaps to position 3 at 4497ft, hdg 121 and 179kts
[19:56] - Flaps to position 4 at 4405ft, hdg 124 and 169kts
[19:56] - Flaps to position 5 at 4324ft, hdg 124 and 168kts
[19:57] - Spoilers ON 3643ft, hdg 123 and 180kts
[19:57] - Spoilers OFF 3045ft, hdg 126 and 162kts
[19:57] - Spoilers ON 3004ft, hdg 125 and 160kts
[19:57] - Spoilers OFF 2914ft, hdg 125 and 154kts
[19:57] - Gear down at 2846ft, hdg 124 and 150kts
[19:57] - Spoilers ON 2700ft, hdg 125 and 141kts
[19:57] - Taxi Lights ON 2577ft, hdg 122 and 135kts
[19:57] - Spoilers OFF 2577ft, hdg 122 and 135kts
[19:58] - Spoilers ON 2288ft, hdg 119 and 133kts
[19:59] - Landed at -231fpm, hdg 123, 131kts, flaps 5, 1568kg of fuel, pitch -4deg, bank 0deg.
[19:59] - Wind Heading 0 | Wind Speed 13kts | Wind Turbulence None
[19:59] - Landing Weight: 57939kg, Fuel: 1568kg, Payload: 15127kg
[19:59] - Taxiing to Gate
[19:59] - Landing Lights OFF 1699ft, hdg 215 and 11kts
[19:59] - Spoilers OFF 1699ft, hdg 217 and 11kts
[19:59] - Flaps to position 0 at 1699ft, hdg 217 and 10kts
[20:01] - Parking Brake Applied
[20:01] - Parking Brake Released
[20:01] - Parking Brake Applied
[20:01] - Arrived safely at UIII. We hope you enjoyed your flight!
[20:01] - Precipitation at UIII: None
[20:01] - Final Weight: 57866kg, Fuel: 1495kg, Payload: 15127kg
[20:01] - Airbus A320 NEO TAP Portugal CS-TMW
[20:01] - FSPAcars
Avaliação do voo
Parking Brakes ON and Aircraft Moving: -5%
Charter Flight: -20%
Classificação: 75%